
Shopify Liquid Development


I designed and modified the template for a customers Shopify e-comemrce website using shopify's liquid based on ruby-on-rails.

Shopify Liquid logo

Shopify Is Fun!

I recently completed a project for a client that involved customizing the ordering process on their Shopify store. The client had been experiencing a high rate of abandoned cart, and they wanted to improve their conversion rate.

The client’s store was built on Shopify, which uses the .liquid format, which is powered by the Ruby-on-Rails programming language. This gave me the opportunity to use my knowledge of Ruby-on-Rails to customize the ordering process and simplify it for the customers.

One of the first things I did was to streamline the checkout process. I removed unnecessary form fields and made sure that the important information was prominently displayed. I also added a progress bar to the checkout page so that customers could see how far along they were in the process.

I also made sure that the customer could see the total cost, including taxes and shipping, at all times, so they wouldn’t be surprised by any additional charges at the end of the checkout process.

I also added a feature that allows customers to save their information for future purchases, so they wouldn’t have to enter their information every time they made a purchase. This feature was particularly useful for repeat customers.

The end result was a simplified ordering process that was easy to navigate and understand. The changes I made lead to more conversions by reducing the number of abandoned carts and making the ordering process more efficient.

In addition to the changes to the checkout process, I also made a few other changes to the store that helped to improve the customer experience. I added a feature that allows customers to leave reviews and ratings for products, which helped to build trust and increase conversions.

Overall, I was able to use my knowledge of Ruby-on-Rails to customize the ordering process and make it more user-friendly. The changes I made led to more conversions and a better customer experience. It was a great project to work on and I am happy to see the positive impact it had on the client’s business.